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5 Reasons to Consult an Exhibit Design House

Overkill: (ōvər-kil) An excess of something beyond what is required or suitable for a particular purpose.

When you look up “overkill” in the dictionary, you just may find a picture of a conventional exhibit production house.

Why? Because conventional exhibit production houses are specialists in project overkill, and do not fit the current “lean and mean” trade show process model. Exhibit design houses, on the other hand, have evolved especially to meet today’s streamlined exhibitor demands.

What follows, then, are 5 Reasons to Consult an Exhibit Design House vs. a conventional exhibit production company.

1.MARGINS: Conventional exhibit production companies routinely inflate their margins to cover resources and services their clients neither need nor use, effectively swatting flies with sledgehammers. Exhibit design houses wait until AFTER a project has been fully defined before hand-selecting the specific team to implement it. You pay for only what you need.

2.LABOR: Due to contractual and venue agreements, conventional exhibit houses routinely engage high-rate, in-house labor throughout a project. Exhibit design houses, on the other hand, are much more autonomous, enabling them to be strategic about how & when they engage labor. This greatly reduces costs, and the savings are passed along to the client.

3.TRANSPARENCY: Conventional exhibit production houses often imply that everything they offer comes from in-house resources. The reality is entirely different; everyone in the trade show production world … EVERYONE … uses strategic partners for EVERY project. Exhibit design houses are simply more transparent about it.

4.RENT vs. OWN: Conventional exhibit production houses often perpetuate the myth that renting an exhibit is cheaper than owning one; they do it ensure a steady flow of rental income for them. Exhibit design houses know that OWNING an exhibit is often much cheaper than renting, especially if you have a busy show calendar, and the exhibit has been intelligently engineered to be easily scalable and updatable.

5.DESIGN: Outside design teams engaged by conventional exhibit production houses have no vested interest in the build, I&D, etc. Conversely, exhibit design houses ensure that their in-house designers (yes, they really ARE in-house … it’s in their name after all!) engineer everything with the budget, build, I&D, shipping, and future rebranding in mind.

This list is certainly not exhaustive, but it should help you realize that when you’re looking for your next trade show and events partner, exhibit design houses like MYDSIPLAYSOURCE do everything conventional production houses do, but in a much more focused, low-cost, and transparent manner.

If you need any further guidance on when you should consult an exhibit design house please contact us, we would be happy to help.